At the start of a new year, it might seem like everyone is radiating hope and positivity. I have lost count of how many times I’ve heard someone say, “2024 is going to be so much better than 2023,” in the last few weeks. But don’t worry – if you aren’t quite feeling that same sense of renewed energy during this time of year, you are not alone. Trying to live up to the lofty goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year can be overwhelming, especially when things don’t go as planned. Instead, why not try focusing on sustainable goals that lead to a happier, healthier lifestyle in the long run? Keep reading to hear my thoughts on how to live in harmony this year and beyond!
For me, this year is going to be all about learning to listen to myself and live in the moment. Many of my clients and friends have welcomed babies into their families recently. With new beginnings all around me, I have been thinking back to when my own kids were young. My daughter and son are 20 and 23 now, and I find myself wondering, “Where did all of that time go?!” I spent so much time pulling my hair out over the little things during their childhood, but I look back on those moments now as the most precious time in my life.
If I’m being completely honest, 2024 has been a bit of a rocky start for me. My family and I ushered in the new year from quarantine, as both of my kids came down with Covid over the winter break. I also lost my phone while riding in a Lyft to a job site. But, in an effort to live in the moment, I didn’t let it get me down. Instead, I choose to focus on being present and showing gratitude for the things that I do have. My family still got to be together for the holidays. I was able to recover my phone from the Lyft driver, who returned it to me within hours. My end goal is a simple but elusive one: to live in harmony with purpose.
While I’m all for setting long-term goals and looking forward to the future, I have never subscribed to the idea of creating New Year’s resolutions or choosing one word as a mantra for the entire year. Living in harmony with yourself and your surroundings is about so much more than one word that you choose during the excitement of starting a new chapter. It is a feeling that you should strive to carry with you not just all year long, but all through your life.
Sometimes I think that choosing a buzzword actually narrows your vision of the future. It can be difficult to even start when you’re striving so hard for something that’s out of your reach. It’s also easy to miss what is already right in front of you.
So, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay if you aren’t prepared with a buzzword for 2024, or ambitious plans to finally achieve everything that you have ever wanted this year. Life is too short to get caught up in clutter and details. It’s okay to let go of the need for constant productivity and take some time to breathe. Instead, make it a priority to make time for the things that you value most. As long as you’re trying to live a life with purpose and harmony, you’re doing just fine.
More often than not, clients come to me for organizing support when they finally notice that the harmony and balance in their lives has shifted. Many of my clients avoid organizing for as long as possible, until they reach a point where papers are piling up on their desk, they can’t find their car keys, and the stress of it all is too much to handle. Some don’t have time to organize. For others, the thought of starting is overwhelming.
January is GO (Get Organized) month, so there’s no better time to tackle the organizing projects on your plate. But don’t feel down if you, like so many of my clients, are not sure where to begin. Remember that it’s absolutely okay to ask for help when you need it – or even before you really need it.
Our team can introduce you to systems that transform your home into a clutter- and stress-free haven. Give us a call at 310-904-9720 or contact us on our website to schedule a free consultation today. We would love to help you find solutions for how to live in harmony, so that you can make more time for the things you love most!